Monday, September 1, 2014

Back to Hogwarts Week

It’s the first of September, which means that today WE’RE GOING BACK TO HOGWARTS! Remember to grab you trunks and don’t forget your owl OR cat OR toad.

Since it’s Back to Hogwarts week Sarah and I will be posting a Harry Potter related article every day from the 1st to the 7th. Hopefully it will be really fun. I had a great time writing these posts and I hope you will enjoy reading them.

It is 11:00 am in London, England and the Hogwarts Express is just leaving Kings Cross Station. In a few hours we’ll be back to Hogwarts. I hope to see you there!

As we post new articles we’ll be updating the list of links on this post.


  1. Oooh this sounds like fun, I know I'm late to start the term *waves* but I'd never miss going back to Hogwarts ;-) Very excited to see what you come up with!!

  2. A week without internet and now I get a ton of posts on my favourite subject :D Well done, ladies!!
