Friday, January 1, 2016

Statistics Survey 2015: Sarah's List

book statstics stats survey
I got this wonderful Survey over at bookaddictsguide (THANKS!) and had the best time doing it. Here's my year in book:
number of statistics survey
  • Number of books read…
    • Under 250 pages (not including novellas): 12
    • Between 400-449 pages: 13
    • Between 450-499 pages: 5
    • Over 500 pages: 4
    • Over 1000 pages: 0
  • Number of…
    • Audiobooks: 5 Full; 4 Partial
    • Re-reads: 13
    • DNFs (did not finish): 4-5 (I normally don't count these)
  • Number of books rated…
    • Five Stars: 33
    • One/Two Stars: 4
  • Number of authors met in 2015: About 13... I think
  • Number of book events attended in 2015: 1 Book Fair + 2 Author Events
  • Number of books you read in one day: I am a slow reader so probably 1
  • Number of books that made you cry: I guesstimate tears in about 7-8 books
  • Number of 2016 books you have on pre-order: 0
by the books statistics survey
  • Book read furthest away from home (vacation reads?): 0
  • Book that took you the longest to read: Wuthering Heights (10-13 to 12-9)
  • Book that you personally connected with the most: How do you Personally Connect?
  • Book that made you love the villain: Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson.
  • Book you said you’d come back to but still haven’t picked up again: Woman in White
  • Book you read waaaay before it’s publication date: Heart of Betrayal... 4 months
  • Book you read on your birthday: Isla and the Happily Ever After (because All Fall Down hadn't come in yet)
  • Book with a character who shares your name: Can't think of one
  • Book you weren’t entirely truthful about when rating (Fluff up any ratings? Rated even though you didn’t finish?): I usually rate up.... but I think I rated The Storyspinner higher than I liked it.
  • Book you read in 2015 but already want to re-read: So many: The Fixer, Heart of Betrayal, Compulsion, etc.
  • Book you borrowed from a friend a long time ago and still have: I really don't borrow books from friends.
  • Book you which you could go back and read for the first time again: Texas Gothic
  • Most books read by one author this year: Counting Rereads: Ally Carter (6); New to Me Books: Jennifer Lynn Barnes (4)
this & that statistics survey
  • Happiest & saddest: I really can't tell
  • Longest & shortest…
    • By page number:Winter (824 pg.), Legacy Lost (32 pg.)
    • By title: Rook (4 letters); I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (39 letters)
    • From buying to reading: I don't buy books often so I really can't answer
  • Best & worst…
    • Average rating on Goodreads:Queen of Shadows (4.65); Atlantia (3.38)
    • Books you read/your rating: Heart of Betrayal (5 Stars); Wuthering Heights (1 Star)
    • Series enders: I only finished 2 series this year and they were both awesome: The Lunar Chronicles and Fire and Thorns
  • First & last…
    • Reads of 2015: Talon (1st); Etiquette & Espionage (last)
    • Books on your bookcase (1st book on the top left and last book on the bottom right): Blood Red Road; Venom
  • Most disappointing & biggest pleasant surprise: The Storyspinner was the most disappointing for me and I was most pleasantly surprised by Texas Gothic (I LOVED IT!)
  • Fandom you joined & one you abandoned: Well, I am now a Jennifer Lynn Barnes fan.... not sure if I abandoned any but I'm hanging on by a thread to a few.
  • Series you picked up & series you quit: I started 19 new-to-me series this year. About 5 or 6 I won't continue.
  • Most lenient & harshest ratings: Probably most lenient is Spirit and Dust (I had issues with the writing but had fun with the story so I gave it 4 Stars); Harshest is Wuthering Heights with 1 Star (I know some people like it but I DESPISED it!)
  • Most hyped & furthest under the radar that you read: Most hyped was probably Queen of Shadows or Winter..... Furthest under the radar I'm not sure.
grab bag statistics survey
  • Book you read that is red: 3 (others have red in them)
  • Starts with X, Y, or Z: 0 (those were the last 3 letter's I needed to get the alphabet!)
  • Book you hugged when you finished it: Heart of Betrayal, Lonely Heart Club
  • Book you wanted to throw across a room: Thirteenth Tale, Wuthering Heights
  • Food you craved while/after reading a certain book: Don't know
  • Book that became an instant go-to recommendation: Heart of Betrayal, The Fixer, Lonely Heart's Club
  • Furthest out of your comfort zone:Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society (I normally don't read epistolary format)
  • Read on a recommendation (that you may not have picked up yourself): The Fill-In Boyfriend (I don't read a lot of this type of contemporary)
  • Forced yourself to finish: Thirteenth Tale, Wuthering Heights.
  • Series or author’s works you binged (whether all at once or throughout the year): Gallagher Girls series, The Lunar Chronicles

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you read a lot of 5 star reads last year! And aaaah The Fixer was one of my favorite reads of the year too, as was The Fill-In Boyfriend (literally the best prom read ever). I think my favorite book of 2015, however, would be ACOTAR. I love it so much. Let's hope that 2016 is filled with even better books haha.
